Thursday, September 25, 2008

I tried to make this photo of my boys into a jigsaw picture, it didn't happen, but I will keep trying.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Week Five

Wikis. I looked up Wookieepedia, relating to all things Star Wars. I found this very confusing as I don't understand anything about Starwars. The booklovers Wiki would be a great assett to Libraries because of the many book reviews in assisting librarians knowledge in relating to borrowers requests. I could have spent more time reading through this wiki. I found some very interesting books. I particulary liked the way they were catorgorised into different genres.
I also went into the Montana site. I read through the Speculator disaster story where 165 men die in an underground fire. The was very interesting also for the young ones.

Week four

In week four we did a bloglines account and we added RSS feeds. We searched for the picture of the day. I have and library stuff. Two websites relating to libraries and librarians.


Week Three

I couldn't find anything on Mosman library, so I had a look around for some interesting pictures of dogs. I found this one called three dog road trip. I found this photo interesting as the dogs looked to be having such a good time.